Our digital literacy courses are organized into two streams: the Beginner Program, for those who are pretty new to computers and using the internet, and the Intermediate Program, for those with some pre-existing knowledge.
The courses are designed to build on each other, so you can take them in order – or just choose the ones that interest you. There are no pre-requisites to any of the courses, no cost to complete them, and they are all 30 minutes or less.
Beginner Program
Course Module
Approximate Time to Complete
What is a computer and how does it work?
Learn the basics of how computers work and how to use one to complete simple tasks.

What is the internet?
Learn about what the internet is, how it works, and how you can use it in your daily life.

How do I access the internet?
Learn how to connect to the internet on different devices like computers, tablets, and smartphones.

How do I get around the internet?
Learn how to search the internet and access websites.

How do I find information?
Learn how to browse the internet and search for specific information.

How do I interact online?
Learn how to use websites and interactive buttons and elements.

How do I save things I've found on the internet?
Learn how to save links, photos, and files you find online.

What is cybersecurity?
Learn how to keep your personal information safe online.

What information should I share online?
Learn how to protect your privacy and safety online.

What are the ways I can use the internet to communicate?
Learn how to use tools like email, chat, and more to communicate with others.

Intermediate Program
Course Module
Approximate Time to Complete
How do I know if I've found good information?
Learn how to determine if the information you’ve found is accurate, up-to-date, and reliable.

What is netiquette?
Learn how to interact appropriately with other people online.

What is a digital footprint?
Learn what your digital footprint is, and how it can impact job searches and other areas of your life.

How do I keep myself safe online?
Learn how to protect your mental and physical safety and well-being online.

How do I apply for work online?
Learn how to find and apply for jobs online.

How can I use the internet to learn?
Learn how you can use the internet to develop new skills.

How do I shop online?
Learn how to shop and order items online.

How do I access services online?
Learn how to make appointments and access government service portals online.

Is social media right for me?
Learn how to use social media to stay connected to the people in your life.

Start by creating an account
Fill in the form below with your information to get started quickly and easily. You’ll be able to sign in and access the program 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Do you need help signing up? Call (888) 839-9239 and our support team will walk you through the process.
Privacy: The personal information being collected is for the purpose of administering the Alberta Digital Literacy Program. This collection is authorized by section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For questions about the collection of personal information, contact Director, Strategic Services, Technology and Innovation at 780-415-2017, by email at or mail to: J. G. O' Donoghue Building 7000 - 113 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5T6
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